Things we’re over? Torn or loose tarps, non-existent tie-downs and sunburnt, peeling boats. Over It was founded to solve these common rafting hang-ups through simple, American-made design.
Living in the adventure town of Salida, Colorado, we spend as much time as possible outdoors. Our river is world-renowned, yet even the locals (and that includes ourselves!) have made costly, wasteful mistakes when storing gear between trips. After too many seasons of unnecessary damage to our rafts, we started shooting the breeze about a better solution. Over It was born from those backyard brainstorming sessions: a sun-protective, durable and secure cover that fits any boat you can float down the river.
Beyond covering your boat, we’re also committed to protecting the river itself. That’s why we donate 1% of all proceeds to trusted river stewardship organizations, including local non-profit, the Greater Arkansas River Nature Association (GARNA).
As ambitious outdoorsmen and dads to young kids, the river has been our playground for all kinds of outings. From running the Numbers, to joining the annual Father’s Day float through Browns Canyon, to taking the whole family on multi-day trips, so many of our favorite memories have taken place on the water—and we’re excited to share that passion with the larger rafting community.

A Northern California native, Aaron first made his way to Colorado for college and subsequently nabbed a (sweet, if we may say so!) summer job guiding rafts on the Arkansas. He soon found himself leading raft trips all over the west—from NorCal to Oregon, Alaska and beyond—while pursuing a career in land and water management. In 2012, he relocated to Salida full-time, where he now raises his family and works on river conservation full-time.
Kevin Kabler
Growing up in Wichita, Kansas, the Arkansas River—yep, the same one that flows through Salida!—ran through Kevin’s backyard. He first visited his future hometown on a boy scout ski trip to Monarch, and spent the next twenty years trying to make his way back to the mountains. In 2014, that lifelong dream came true, and Kevin quickly found himself immersed (literally and physically) in the whitewater community of Colorado.