Over It. Raft Cover Photos

Bullet Raft 14'

Bullet 14' - Medium Cover

 13' with front thigh brace and stern seat  

 13' with thigh brace and stern seat - Medium Cover

Snow covered raft and raft cover  14' NRS  13' NRS

Snow (9", very wet) covered raft and raft cover. Bullet 14', NRS 14', NRS 13' (respectively) - Medium Cover

 Fishing frame raft    

Customer Submitted Fishing Frame Raft - Medium Cover

 14' Raft with 9' Raft, stacked - Large Cover  14' Raft with 9' Raft, stacked - Large Cover

14' Raft with 9' Raft, stacked - Large Cover

Aire 15' raft  Aire 15' Raft - Large Cover

Aire 156 R Raft - Large Cover

14' Hyside  14' Hyside Raft Covered

14' Hyside - Medium Cover


13' whitewater raft with raised seats